1st morning post op

Last night was a little rough. Henley didn't sleep much and kept us up most of the night. She ate chicken soup & crackers around 3:00 am. She has been taking in lots of fluids as well.

So far we have been able to keep the pain under control without morphine so that has been good.

Henley, being a tad bit OCD was not having all of the medical bands, electrodes etc all over her body so we had to find a way to consolidate that stuff so that she would actually settle down & go to sleep. 

She had two IV's, one in each foot which was brutal. However, it wasn't long before she pulled one out and had the bed covered in blood. They decided that since she was doing so well with her liquid intake and was not taking the IV pain meds that they would go ahead and remove both IV's and if things got out of control later that they would put it back in somewhere else. 

Shift change happened about 7:30 and already our nurse is not on my good side. She tried to "help" Henley sit up and instead of asking us to do it, she just reached around and started to pull her up by the back of her neck/head. It all happened so fast neither Adam or I could stop her. Henley immediately started screaming and crying and I thought she was going to stop breathing. It took everything in my power not to say something ugly to her or punch her in the face. I just said "why don't you go grab her pain meds now."

We have already seen Dr. Roberts this morning and he was glad to see how well she was doing. He said we will see how the day goes and possibly throw around the idea of going home tomorrow. I know right? That seems crazy, but we will see how the day goes.

She is currently enjoying her breakfast omlette and watching Tangled.