2nd Week Post Op

Henley is continuing to do really well. Her scar is looking better all the time and from the looks of things, part of the stitches seem to be dissolving. She attracts quite a lot of attention when we go out places because everyone who sees her wants to see the back of her head. I don't blame them, its pretty intriguing. She has been off all pain meds since Saturday and seems to be doing okay. 

As far as symptoms are concerned, Henley's walking has absolutely improved overall. We have only noticed her walking funny once and that was yesterday. It didn't last all day, but we did notice her seeming to be very off balance at one point and not being able to really get her feet under control. It does not appear as if she is dragging her right foot like she was before surgery or "skipping" as Haven calls it. I'm still watching her walking like a hawk to note any oddities, but so far things are looking promising. 

Her eating has not drastically improved, but she did gain an ounce and a half this week according to the dietician. She is still not even on the growth chart for her age. She weighed 22 lbs on Friday. 

For a while I thought we were in the clear as far as the diarrhea was concerned, but apparently not. I know the cause of that is her being lactose intolerant and the fact that all she wants to do is eat cheese on everything. However, I have heard about some people having a major surgery like hers and other symptoms changing or improving that were not even seemingly related. I was kind of hoping for that, oh well.

Two huge changes we have seen are that Henley has had ZERO bouts of vomitting since surgery!! No idea if it will continue, but everyday without her throwing up is a small victory for this household! There have even been times where I have rushed her to the bathroom out of pure reflex to a situation, but then she managed to get through it without throwing up. 

The other thing that we have noticed a huge change in is her speech. Even other people who see Henley on a pretty regular basis have mentioned that she seems to be talking a lot more than she was before surgery. In particular, she is putting 3-4 and even 5 word sentences together where as before we rarely heard 2-3 word sentences. Her speech is even easier to understand. Tonight as I was leaving her room she said "I love you momma" not perfectly clear, but man how I have waited to hear those words out of that sweet baby!room she said "I love you momma" not perfectly clear, but man how I have waited to hear those words out of that sweet baby!before we rarely heard 2-3 word sentences. Her speech is even easier to understand. Tonight as I was leaving her room she said "I love you momma" not perfectly clear, but man how I have waited to hear those words out of that sweet baby!room she said "I love you momma" not perfectly clear, but man how I have waited to hear those words out of that sweet baby!


We have entered into the next stage of our journey with Henley. Lots of Therapies. She will be seeing 6 different specialists during the weeks and months to come to work on getting her to where she needs to be. Therapies will include; speech, physical, occupational, nutritional, feeding and counseling. She will also be seeing her other Doctors regularly. specialist during the weeks and months to come to work on getting her to where she needs to be. Therapies will include; speech, specialists occupational, nutritional, feeding and counseling. She will also be seeing her other Doctors regularly. Specialists occupational, nutritional, feeding and counseling. She will also be seeing her other Doctors regularly. specialist during the weeks and months to come to work on getting her to where she needs to be. Therapies will include; speech, physical, occupational, nutritional, feeding and counseling. She will also be seeing her other Doctors regularly. 

Henley is scheduled for a visit with the surgeon at the first of March to check her progress etc. We will meet again 4 weeks after that and then again at the 6 month post op mark for another MRI to see how things have settled. I am already looking forward to seeing those images.

Speaking of MRI images, I do plan on posting the images from the day of surgery. Adam and I have both spent lots of time looking at them and they are pretty fascinating.