Procedure Day

Today was a long day. Henley had 4 MRI scans and a flow study to look to see if spinal fluid is flowing normally. Her MRI's were of brain, cervical spine, thoracic and lumbar spine. We were at the hospital from 8:30am-3:30pm. She had a bit of a rough time with nausea after coming out of anesthesia, but other than that she did fine.

We did get to walk away with the images and radiologist reports and are now just trying to decode everything we are reading in the interim, before they call us with the actual "results". Fortunately we have become familiar with some aspects of the images and know a tiny bit about what we are looking at. By tiny, I mean minuscule in comparison to a professional. I don't feel comfortable saying what we think, but would rather wait for the actual results from our dr before stating any information. I will however say that we did see some things we have not seen before and there were new possible anomalies/findings that may give an answer to some of the problems with her walking. Henley's Chiari still appears to be a concerning factor as well which we will be discussing further with the neurologist in the coming weeks. Thanks for the continued prayers.