New Surgery Date

I just spoke with the surgery scheduler for Dr. Roberts. We talked about the fact that Henley had been diagnosed with croup this weekend and that Dr. Roberts said that we needed to wait about 6 weeks for surgery. She said that usually they reschedule for 4-6 weeks so we picked a date somewhere in the middle of that. 

I hope THIS date is that God has in mind because I am apparently not great at guessing the right date for things.

January 31, 2012

After re-scheduling I decided it would be best for me to keep Henley out of school and away from other people as much as possible between now and the surgery. So please forgive me if I seem to be a bit MIA for the next month. I will probably be pulling my hair out here at home. 

Please pray that Henley (and all of us for that matter) can get healthy, stay healthy and be 100% ready for the surgery at the end of the month.