7 weeks already???
Wow, today marks 7 weeks since Henley's surgery. Hard to believe how fast the time has gone. Although I don't have any new information I wanted to say that Henley has had zero illness since the surgery and no vomiting!! Praise the Lord! I can't tell that her eating has gotten better, but hoping the feeding therapy will start paying off soon.
We STILL have not started physical therapy which is one of my main concerns to address with her walking and overall muscle tone on her right side. We waited forever to be cleared for PT, and now just waiting on an appointment. Speech is another main concern for her and so I am going to have to get that going soon as well. There is just so much to manage.
We have our follow up with Dr Roberts next week and I am looking forward to getting to talk with him again. I want to ask him about potential nerve damage/issues. Lately it seems like Henley says "my back hurts mommy" or "my foot hurts" she says something hurts just about every single day. I am honestly not sure if this is how she is going about getting attention from us or if something actually hurts. It's a tough call with a two year old. Part or me thinks surely she is not making this up? Why would her back/foot/hands be hurting? It's confusing.
On a totally separate note I want to ask for prayers for a sweet little 3 year old girl named Olivia. I was blessed to be able to meet her and her mother (Heather) back in November. Olivia had undergone the same surgery in August for Chiari that Henley just had in January. I have been following her progress over the months. A few weeks ago at her 6 month post op MRI they found that her surgery had not been successful. Because of this they have to do the surgery again. This time with the duraplasty. This sweet baby is having surgery first thing in the morning at Cooks. Please join me in praying for her and her family.