1 Month Post Op Appointment

Henley walked into our bathroom yesterday morning and I just had to stop her and take this picture. She looks so grown up all of a sudden. Slow down time!!

Henley had her 1 month post op appointment the other day and it went well. We did not see Dr. Roberts, but his physician's assistant Grace. I just love her because she will explain to me as much as I want to hear about the procedure itself. It was great to have that information clarified. She looked at Henley and said that she looked great and that she and Dr. Roberts have never seen any child appear to bounce back to normal life as Henley has. She signed the orders to resume occupational and physical therapies and so those will begin next week. 

I feel like we have had a vacation from therapies for the past month because Henley was supposed to be recovering. However, now that it appears that she is out of the immediate "recovery phases" we move on into some pretty frequent therapy sessions. I am looking forward to both OT and PT because I am anxious to get this girl on track for a normal child her age. Her walking still isn't fabulous and she still needs help coming down the stairs so hopefully those things will improve. We are hoping to improve her eating skills with OT as well as some other things. We will continue to work on separation anxiety issues with the counselor and meet with her dietician regularly. We are not ready yet, but when we are we will start speech therapy as well. 

We did meet with her dietician today and Henley had gained 7 OZ!!! This is HUGE for her. She has not been able to gain weight for a long time and all of a sudden 7 oz in 3 weeks!! Henley is 2 yrs and 4 months old, and she weighed 23 lbs today. Praise the Lord.

As far as the doctors appointment went she was also cleared for being able to submerge her head in water. I am seeing some swimming lessons in her near future. She loves to swim and so I am sure we are going to need to re-address swimming skills as a whole before summer starts. Henley has also been cleared for running which is great because its nearly impossible to keep her from running. She still has to abide by the "two feet on the ground" rule which prevents her from climbing, jumping, riding tricycles or anything that requires one of her feet not be on the ground. Hopefully those rules will subside at our next appointment with Dr. Roberts at the end of March. 

As far as Zane goes. Well, I am certain he is going to need some feeding therapy himself. He still throws up almost daily. Just before sitting down to write this I had to strip him of all of his clothes and give him a bath in the kitchen sink. So very typical for my day, but I still feel defeated every single time it happens. Sigh... This too shall pass....right?? 

Haven is doing alright. She does act out quite a lot when its just me here with all three kids. I understand that she just wants my attention, and life for her is not fair, however I am having a hard time trying to be sensitive to her while dealing with my own exhaustion and stress of dealing with the other two. We are in a very sassy stage with her, and trying to teach her that her attitude is not acceptable without just getting completely fed up with her in the process is proving to be quite difficult. After all, she is the only one who can actually communicate with me during the day and almost all of her communication is negative. Its exhausting to say the least. I just need to be praying for more patience with her. And maybe I should take this time to also apologize to my own mother for being so sassy with her growing up. Sorry mom.

Other than that, things are really great. Ha!