MRI Images and Prayer Requests


This post is for all of my friends out there who are fascinated by MRI images and really want a visual. We have so many of these images and truly, I only understand the parts that I am showing here. However, I am fairly certain that it does not take a trained eye to look at these images and realize that something is not quite right. All that said, I'll explain the little bit I do know anyways.

There is a picture of a "Normal Brain" and this is where I have pointed out where the brain stem is and where the cerebellum is. The arrows you see are pointing to the black space between those very important parts of the brain. There should be a good amount of space between your skull and your cerebellum (to the right of the cerebellum) and between your brain stem and cerebellum (on the left side of the cerebellum). That space is where spinal fluid flows. Spinal fluid is supposed to flow freely all around your brain protecting your brain from impact with the skull when you move. If your brain hits your skull too hard without that protection around it, this is what can cause you to have a concussion. The spinal fluid is supposed travel on either side of the brain stem and down your spinal cord carrying nutrients to various parts of your brain and filtering out the stuff that should not be there. It's basically REALLY important that spinal fluid flows freely and Henley's is clearly NOT. 

The other images are Henley's brain over the years. All of these images are Post-Surgery which was done in January 2012. To most people they probably don't look very different, but it doesn't take much compression on your brain stem or cerebellum to see some outward symptom of some kind. We have been told that often times once you start seeing symptoms, the brain has already been damaged.

So what happens if the spinal fluid can't flow? Well, it chooses the path of least resistance. Often times you will see spinal fluid collect INSIDE your spinal column called a syrinx (aka: syringomyelia...but who can even pronounce that?) A syrinx can cause all kinds of scary symptoms. It can also cause Hydrocephalus. Honestly, its hard for me to even research things right now because I always seem to end up at "can cause death due to brain stem compression". It's terrifying. My baby is walking around right now at school with hundreds of other kids with this much pressure on her brainstem. Just thinking about all the things that could happen are almost too much. It makes me want to run up to school and snatch her up, put a helmet on her and keep her in my house in a bean bag chair with a good book for the next 5 weeks until we can get to New York. But what kind of life is that for Henley if her mommy lives in fear? What kind of faith do I have if this is my response? This is something I am struggling with right now. I am feeling particularly anxious this morning after reading some things and talking to some other professionals who have called to express their concern. I can't tell you how many times I have heard "Do you think she may have had a stroke?" You guys don't know what that question does to me knowing my family history of strokes. One of my grandmothers died of a stroke, so this simple inquisition is a trigger for a much deeper fear. 

So, I am begging you to pray with us. We need an army of prayer warriors right now praying protection over her. Our appointment in New York is on December 15th and yes, this is the soonest appointment we could get. I told Adam this morning that I want to jump on a plane today and just go sit in his waiting room until he can see her. However, I know that God can make anything happen so I am choosing to be patient. I also know that He can protect her in the mean time before that appointment. I KNOW that the Lord is good. I KNOW that he has got her in the palm of his hand. I KNOW that he knows the outcome. I KNOW that he loves Henley more than I can even imagine. But for those of you who know me. You know that not being able to do anything but wait is like a slow death. The waiting is what's killing me. 

Thank you for how you all have loved on our family. We just need the Lord's protection right now.